Friday, May 9, 2008

More Celeb Baby Stuff

The Ellen Show choose other baskets for today's show. Oddly, I am not disappointed. It was actually stressing me out to think about life post Ellen. I know it is one of those opportunites every company dreams of, but I have some other goals I am working towards with Woobee and that could have put me so deep in the weeds I would need a snorkel and weed wacker just to see the light of day. So I push on without an Ellen show under my belt.

I know I have talked about celebrity gifting suites in the past, how I have done them but don't always believe they are worth the money and time you spend. Well...Woobee Kids is currently at a gifting suite this weekend in Beverly Hills called the Silver Spoon Baby & Doggie Buffet. Bizarre. Anyway, Victoria from a LA based e-retailer called The Traveling Tot contacted me to ask if I would like Woobee to participate in her boutique booth at the event. She was asking for a small fee and would display/market the blankets as a travel must-have, as well as order the minimum wholesale order. I only sent a handful of blankets to hand out to a select few celebs. So, yes I did do another random celeb suite BUT I have wanted to market to the travel market which she is doing, I have opened a new retail account, and she hired her own photographer so I may also get some good pictures as a bonus. This is my kind of event!

Happy Mother's Day to all you that are mothers! Try to stay away from big brunch' is never the restaurants best food and your kidding yourself if you think your children will behave, and no - your husband will not be the one who reins them in because they will only want you.

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